Orthodontic treatment is about so much more than just straight teeth. At TriStar Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics, we believe orthodontic treatment can improve your child’s oral health, help them brush and floss more effectively and efficiently, and enjoy the confidence of a beautiful, straight smile as they grow up! We are proud to offer orthodontics for all children. Our orthodontists are exceptionally trained and have the knowledge to provide your child with the best orthodontic treatment in the Dickson area. Please contact our team to schedule a consultation or for any questions and concerns!
As orthodontists, we recommend that your child see an orthodontist as early as age seven. Orthodontic problems can become apparent at a very young age, meaning we can correct these problems early too! With early treatment, we can potentially avoid severe orthodontic issues down the road. Our team may recommend the use of early orthodontic appliances or specific interventions for behaviors like thumb sucking. We want to ensure that your child’s teeth and mouth are developing correctly and, if necessary, we can catch any problems early on!
At TriStar Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics, we offer the latest and most effective orthodontic care. Our treatments include:
Our TriStar Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics team specializes in dentofacial orthopedics, the guidance of your child’s overall facial growth and development. We treat alignment issues of the teeth, jaw, mouth, and facial structure. These types of adjustments and treatments are much more accessible at a young age when a child’s jaw and facial structure is more malleable. We will ensure that your child develops the correct alignment in their facial structure to lead a happy, healthy life!
For questions or concerns about your child’s orthodontic needs and treatment, call TriStar Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics in Dickson. We will be more than happy to answer all of your questions and schedule your next appointment. Let’s give your child a straight, functional smile for life!